"> Best Radiofrequency Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Best Radiofrequency Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Radiofrequency Surgeries

Radiofrequency Surgeries or in other words radiofrequency ablation is ‎‎giving radio signals down below the mucosa of the area at certain ‎intervals ‎with the aid of the special electrodes. In the area, proteins in ‎tissue are enabled to denaturation via local controlled temperature ‎increasing and volume of the tissue is gotten small. A procedure that is ‎put to use the radio signals for warming up and eliminating the ‎abnormal cells can be said for this surgery.‎


Especially,  radiofrequency ablation ‎enables permanent relaxation ‎the ‎people who have got chronic aches in the waist, neck, and arthritic ‎‎articular warms up the small nerve tissue field to stop being sent the ‎ache ‎signals. When the procedure is performed on nerve tissue, it can ‎enable to get rid of serious aches that other methods don’t help. It is ‎very successful in the treatment of people who have got heart rhythm ‎problems and in eliminating the tumors.‎


Pulsed radiofrequency ablation‎ causes to high voltage flow bomb when ‎it doesn’t transfer any flow with quiet phases. A special needle that is ‎made hot to prevent extremely hot but also make cold continuously ‎water flow for water-cooled radiofrequency ablation. high voltage flow ‎‎is transferred continuously for traditional continuously radiofrequency ‎ablation.‎

What is Radiofrequency?‎

radiofrequency is a destroying method that is put to use at high ‎temperatures. Destroying ‎the tissue causes burning in tissue. The tissue ‎that was burned doesn’t turn it's before situation. radio signals ‎are ‎electromagnetic signals that move at the speed of light.‎

Which department is interested in Radiofrequency Surgeries?‎

Radiofrequency Surgeries is put to use in that department since 1990:‎

‎-‎          Cardiology

‎-‎          ENT

‎-‎          Oncology

‎-‎          Plastic surgery

‎-‎          Neurosurgery

What are Radiofrequency Surgeries?‎

Radiofrequency Surgeries or radiofrequency ablation that ‎is used for ‎skin tightening in dermatology, the treatment of cardiac dysrhythmia, ‎ache in shoulders and knees, adenoid, thyroid, and snoring, extreme ‎aches that are obstinacy to medicines, pelvic ache, peripheric nerve ‎ache, herniated disc, and cervical discal hernia, tonsil, thyroid nodules, ‎goiter, and varices is so much effective method.‎


However, Radiofrequency Surgeries were put to use for destroying the ‎tumors by burning. Radiofrequency ablation ‎was used firstly for liver ‎treatment is started using for lungs, bones, and kidney tumors. More ‎than one nerve can be burned at the same time in the procedure that ‎takes 80 seconds.‎


Even though this procedure is safe and its risk of complications is low, ‎complications can occur because of radiofrequency ablation‎ surely. ‎These complications can include allergic reactions to medicines ‎that are used during the surgery, infections, and lethargy.‎

How is Radiofrequency Surgeries ‎operated on?‎

The patient starts preparation process before radiofrequency ablation. ‎a blood test of the patient is taken first. tomography and ultrasound ‎are used for determining the size of the area and distribution of the ‎disease. the patient must be awake for helping to place the electrodes ‎that is used during the ablation. ablation ‎is put to use with sterile ‎methods to decrease the infection risk minimally. ‎


Radiofrequency Surgeries is similar to needle biopsy and involve putting ‎in ‎a probe that is similar to needle. Radiofrequency signals are sent to ‎the tissue and cause to die the near cells. As these cells die, the ‎immune system moves away them, and this causes an inner reaction ‎and get small the nodule.‎

Radiofrequency Surgeries can be performed in an office or as ‎ambulatory treatment and general anaesthesia is unnecessary. Local ‎anaesthesia ‎or conscious sedation anaesthesia ‎is used. This method ‎that is specific can treat the tissue that is wanted without causing a ‎damage.‎

Radiofrequency Surgeries ‎

Radiofrequency Surgeries are a minimally invasive method that is getting small ‎the size of the nodules or other accretions. It is used for the treatment ‎of malignant or non-malignant tumours, chronic venous stasis, ‎chronic back and neck ache, and more.‎

The temperature that is produced from middle-frequency alternative ‎flow for radiofrequency Surgeries, in other words, radiofrequency ‎ablation ‎or fulguration. Tumour, misfunction tissue and a part of ‎transferring electricity system of the heart is cut.‎


The doctor gives instructions to the patients about how they prepare for the ‎surgery. Directives generally involve the instructions ‎such as below:‎


taking the patient to his/her house after the surgery

not eating or drinking anything until 6 hours before ablation

taking the medicine with a little water

not being taken insulin or diabetes medicine

not being taken aspirin or the medicines that involve aspirin at least 11 ‎days before the surgery because it causes bleeding or clotting

not being worn jewellery

being used the bacterial soap to decrease the infection risk

being taken shower on the morning of the surgery

being worn clothes that being taken off and worn is easy

What are the benefits of Radiofrequency Surgeries?‎

Being shown the effect in the tissue and not destroying the surface of ‎the tissue can say among the benefits of Radiofrequency Surgeries. This ‎is the most important benefit. Other Radiofrequency ablation benefits ‎are below:‎


Being short the operation

Not being surgery cutting

Not feeling a big ache or pain

Having low cost

Presenting a comfortable treatment option to the patient who is afraid of ‎the surgical operation

Continuing the daily routine after the surgery

The process after the Radiofrequency Surgeries

Most people who are Radiofrequency ablation ‎can turn the house on ‎the same day and a lot of patients can turn daily activity the day after ‎the surgery with some change. The patient can notice that s/he wants to ‎rest for a few days even though s/he can continue the daily routine. The ‎doctor can make suggestions that help to heal easily.‎


Feeling a bit uncomfortable, having surficial burning ache or ‎extremely sensitive aren’t rare. Some people express this feeling like ‎a suntan. This ache doesn’t take over 1 or 2 weeks after the surgery. ‎Dying tissues that are cut and stop sending ache signals can take a long ‎time, passing aches can wait after 2-to 3 weeks after the surgery. On the ‎day when the surgery has been performed the patients who are discharged are ‎advised to use painkillers.‎


The health situation of the patient, getting small the mass and the ‎treatment of the patient are followed absolutely after the ‎Radiofrequency Surgeries. If the patient experiences an abnormal ‎situation, s/he can consult supportive and alternative treatment ‎methods. The quality and actuality of the devices that are used during ‎the surgery are factors for preventing the risks that can occur.‎


How the ache decreases after the surgery can change according to ‎people. Feeling the exact effects of the radiofrequency ablation can take 3 ‎weeks or more.  Using painkillers can get long from six months to one ‎year. Some nerves get big again. Being repeated the radiofrequency ‎ablation can be necessary in that case.‎


Being more active becomes easy after the surgery. Having aches makes ‎being active difficult. being weak of the muscles of the patient who ‎has got too much ache‎ can be said. Creating strong and wellness slowly ‎is pretty important.‎



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