"> Best Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Best Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery Doctors in Turkey

There are 3 nasal conchae located lower, middle, and upper parts of the nose. Their duties are to make the inhaled air humidify, heat, conduct and filter. Consisting of soft tissue and bone, these conchae help the inhaled air to be ready for respiratory. 

Lower and middle parts of the nasal concha get too big as a result of some conditions. Enlargement of the conchae frequently occurs in pregnancy, in nasal bone curvature and allergic reactions. Besides all, environmental factors, some drugs and infections can also cause enlargement. 

Nasal concha reduction surgery can be performed in case of overgrowth of the turbinates. This surgery is only performed on appropriate patients, if the physician deems it necessary. After the surgery, the patients can get rid of complaints by healing. 

What is Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery? 

Nasal concha reduction surgery makes choncae that are extremely grown smaller. As a result of nasal concha enlargement caused by some situations, the patients can have difficulty in smelling or changes can occur on sense of smell. 

The patients whose nasal conchae are overgrown, feel pressure on their foreheads. At the same time, in these people, problems such as runny nose and mild facial pain can occur. When this is the case, patients want to get rid of this situation as soon as possible by applying to the hospital. 

Nasal concha reduction surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. In the patients whose nasal concha reduction surgery is not enough, the nasal concha can be removed thoroughly. However this is not usually preferred since it can cause some negativities. 

Nasal concha reduction surgeries end within 15-20 minutes. However, if procedures like correction and aesthetic will be performed, the surgery can last longer. The surgery time information will be given to you by your doctor.

Which Department Deals with Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery? 

In order to have nasal concha reduction surgery, your doctor needs to examine you and approve this surgery. If you have complaints about nasal concha growth, you need to go to the ear nose and throat (ENT) departments of hospitals. 

Before going to the hospital making an appointment is required. In order to make an appointment you can use the MHRS system or dial ALO 182. In case of making an appointment by choosing whatever you want out of these options, you should be examined by going to the hospital in scheduled time 

After the examination, if your doctor says that you should have nasal concha reduction surgery, your surgery will take place in a scheduled time. However, in order to have this surgery, your doctor needs to approve the surgery. Not everyone who wants this surgery can have it. 

What is Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery? 

Nasal concha reduction surgery is a surgery by putting the patient to sleep by general or local anesthesia and lasts about 20 minutes. As a result of this surgery, the nasal conchae, which have grown unnecessarily, can be reduced and, although rarely, completely removed. 

If there is no problem in the patient’s turbinate bones than nasal concha reduction surgery is applied. Laser tools specially developed for this purpose are used during the surgery. The process is completed in one session and direct result is taken. It is aimed to preserve the concha surface in this surgery. 

Techniques used in nasal concha surgeries are listed below:

  • Reduction of the nasal concha with the help of laser or cauterization with the effect of heat
  • Reducing the nasal conchae by using radiofrequency waves 
  • Pushing or reducing the nasal turbinate by breaking it to the side
  • The use of microdebrider to reduce the inner soft tissues of the nasal concha
  • Removing some or the entire nasal concha by cutting 

These techniques are used commonly in nasal concha reduction surgeries. Before the surgery, your doctor will give you the necessary information and answer your questions. 

How to Perform Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery? 

The question of how to perform concha reduction surgery is frequently asked by people who have overgrown nasal concha and have various problems. Nasal concha growth is developed in long periods of time and the patient’s life quality is affected negatively. 

Before performing nasal concha reduction surgery, depending on the doctor’s choice general or local anesthesia is applied to the patient. Then, by using special tools and materials correction and incision procedures are performed. The patient does not feel any pain under anesthesia. 

In nasal concha reduction surgeries, depending on the turbinate’s condition, even if it is rare, the entire concha can be removed. However, in this case, since the air that the patient breathes will not be sufficiently humidified and the filtering process will be insufficient, specialist physicians do not take this decision unless necessary. 

Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery with Microsurgery 

Nasal concha reduction surgery is performed on patients that deemed necessary under the supervision of a specialist physician. This surgery lasts about 20 minutes and anesthesia is applied to the patient. At the end of the surgery, the patient got rid of the overgrown nasal conchae and can breathe more comfortable. 

Reduction surgeries performed due to overgrown nasal conchae are not risky. Complication risk during the surgery is highly low. And this dramatically increases the success rate on surgery. Millions of people around the world are faced with the problem of enlargement of the nasal concha. 

The tools and materials used in this surgery are specially made for the purpose. Thanks to these tools, the surgery time is shortened and patients can go back to their daily lives in a short time. Thus, nasal concha reduction surgeries should not scare patients. However, in order to complete the surgery successfully, it is also important for the specialist surgeon to be experienced. 

What are the Advantages of Nasal Concha Reduction Surgery with Microsurgery? 

The nasal concha reduction surgery provides many advantages for the patients and the surgery team. These advantages are: 

  • The patient does not feel pain or ache since general or local anesthesia is applied. 
  • Some methods do not require tampon. 
  • There is no bleeding during surgery.  Even if there is, there is hardly any. 
  • After the surgery patients can go back to their daily lives in a short time. 
  • The patient can breathe easier. 
  • Complaints such as change of sense of smelling, runny nose, facial pain and pressure on the forehead disappears. 
  • The surgery is completed in 15-20 minutes. 
  • Infection risk is hardly any. 
  • There is no harm to inner tissue of the nose. 
  • After the surgery conditions such as edema and swelling occur at a minimum level. 
  • There is no change in the voice. 

These advantages can vary depending on the methods and techniques. However, it can be said that the patients can benefit generally from these advantages.

Post-Surgical Process of Reducing the Concha (Concha) with Microsurgery 

After the nasal concha reduction surgery, the thorough healing of the patient can last between 4-8 weeks. During this period of time the patient should not blow their nose heavily. Otherwise bleedings and various problems can happen. 

The patients should rest in the hospital for 72 hours after the surgery. This time can vary depending on the patient’s condition and doctor’s decision. After the patient is discharged from the hospital, the patient should be checked at regular intervals. At the same time, the drugs given to the patient should be used regularly without interruption. Patients who do not pay attention to these conditions will have a difficult time recovering. 

After the operation, various sprays and drugs can be used with the recommendation of the doctor, since problems such as drying and crusting occur in the nose. Besides all, after about 8 weeks patients can go back to their daily lives, do sports and go to work. 

Your doctor will inform you about the actions you should take after the surgery and the situations you should avoid. You should consider your doctor's recommendations and use your medications regularly. It will be good for you not to disrupt your controls. Otherwise, you may face various problems and put your healing process in a difficult situation.  



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