"> Best Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube - Ventilation Tube Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Best Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube - Ventilation Tube Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Eustachian tube; is a balancing the pressure between middle ear ventilation and external auditory canal structure located between the nasal cavity and the middle ear. This structure, as a result of different diseases that occur in the nasal, throat and nose, it cannot perform its task and the pressure between the middle ear and the outer ear can not be balanced. 

If the Eustachian tube gets clogged, the fluid will stuck in middle ear gap. Influenza, ear infections, inflammation, and allergies can lead to clogging. Balloon tuboplasty and ventilation tube are procedures used in the treatment of fluid accumulating behind the eardrum. 

This health problem that can not be treated with other methods can be treated with balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries. The healthcare team that will perform the surgery must be specialist and experienced. Also, the tools and the equipment the team will use are specially made for the purpose

What is Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube? 

The ventilation tube used in balloon tuboplasty and ear tube - ventilation tube surgeries helps draining the fluid accumulated in the middle ear and is located with some surgical methods above the eardrum with the purpose of decreasing the risk of ear infection. This tube is quite small. 

Balloon tuboplasty is known as alternative to ventilation. This procedure is applied to patients whose ventilation tube treatment is not working. This tube aims to enlarge the Eustachian tube width. . In this procedure, the Eustachian ducts are entered through the nostrils using endoscopy. The balloon is placed into the Eustachian duct gap and removed being inflated for a short time. 

Both procedures will be enough for patients to gain their health again. These procedures can be 20 minutes in total. This situation, of course, can vary depending on the patient’s condition and the surgery difficulty. Since it is a surgery requires fine work it must be performed by specialist physicians. 

Which Department Deals with Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube? 

Before balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries are performed, the patient is required to be examined. Patients who want to be examined as a result of the problems and symptoms they experience should make an appointment with the otorhinolaryngology (ENT) departments of the hospitals. 

In order to make an appointment with ENT department, you can use MHRS website or dial ALO 182 and make an appointment audibly. After making appointment you should go to the relevant department on the specified date and be examined. After the examination if your doctor finds it required your surgery will be performed in a given time. 

Surgery method is only used for the treatment of patients who are deemed appropriate. The specialist physician, if thinks necessary, uses medication treatment before the surgery. The best decision will be forward to patient after the examination. 

What is Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube Surgery? 

Balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries are performed in order to drain fluids s accumulated behind the eardrum. Since the eardrum is a sensitive structure it is a must for the surgeon to be specialist and experienced. 

This surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the patient’s condition and doctor’s decision. As a result of this surgery that lasts approximately 20 minutes fluids accumulated behind the eardrum will be drained successfully and the tube will be placed in order not to accumulate fluid again. Since this tube which will be placed is a tiny structure does not bother the patient. 

Tube insertion greatly reduces the patient's risk of developing otitis media. Also, this procedure removes hearing loss due to fluid accumulation. This surgery is only used for the treatment of patients who do not respond to other methods. 

How to Perform Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube Surgeries?

Before performing balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries local or general anesthesia is used depending on the patient’s condition. If the patient is a child using general anesthesia will be more convenient. 

After the patients who are put to sleep or feel no pain, they are studied with a microscope and access is provided through the external ear canal. Meanwhile, the eardrum is scratched and the fluid is successfully drawn out of the scratched area. Tube is placed in the scratched area using special tools. 

This procedure does not make a change in the ear. If the patient is a child adenoid should be removed. Because, the adenoid has a big part in this problem. After having the surgery, the patient can quickly go back to their normal life. 

Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube Surgery with Microsurgery

Balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries are procedures that require fine work for the treatment of people with fluid accumulation behind the eardrum. As it is told above, a small incision is made in the patient's eardrum and fluid is drawn from this incision. 

The scratch on the patient's eardrum will heal and close in about 10 days. At the end of this 20-minute surgery the patient will get rid of inflammation complaints and can regain health. 

This disease can be a real danger for a person’s health. Thus, if you have one or more of the symptoms, you should immediately see an ENT specialist and be treated. Otherwise, the probability of the surgery to be successful will decrease and your recovery period will be considerably longer. 

What are the Advantages of Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube Surgery with Microsurgery? 

Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube – Ventilation Tube Surgeries are carrying out with tools equipped with high technology. These surgeries, thanks to the latest point of modern medicine, provide many advantages to both the patients and the team performing the surgery. These advantages are listed below.

  • Insertion of a tube during surgery significantly reduces the possibility of re-infecting the middle ear. 
  • Hearing loss due to accumulated fluid is removed after the surgery and the patient do not have any hearing problem.
  • People who suffer from various sleep and behavior problem because of this disease heal. 
  • The patient’s life quality increases significantly.
  • Balance and speaking problems due to this disease are disappeared. 
  • Possible complications during surgery are minimized using special tools and equipment. 
  • The patient can go back to their daily life shortly after the surgery. 
  • The patient does not feel any pain or ache since the surgery will be performed under anesthesia. 
  • The surgery time is quite short. 

Successful surgery can be performed thanks to all of these advantages and the patient can re-gain their health. If you are suspicious about having this disease you should go and be examined.

Balloon Tuboplasty and Ear Tube with Microsurgery - Post Ventilation Tube Surgery Process

After the balloon tuboplasty and ear tube – ventilation tube surgeries the patient does not feel any pain. However, tenderness, weakness and nausea can be seen from time to time due to the effects of the anesthetic. Hearing loss due to accumulated fluid in the middle ear will heal highly after the surgery. 

After the tube insertion in case of contact with water, water can make a problem getting into the middle ear. Thus, before contacting with water the patients will need to use ear plug or cotton to close their ear. Besides, the doctor’s recommendations should be followed completely and the medication should be used regularly. And you should go for check-ups. 

The eardrum that was scratched during the surgery will heal within 10 days after the surgery. Tubes placed in the eardrum are kept for 12 months and then fall off. If the tube falls off early, you should see your doctor as soon as possible and state this situation. If you pay attention to all these situations, you will recover in a short time and you will be able to return to your daily life. 



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