"> Best Tympanoplasty Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Best Tympanoplasty Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Tympanoplasty surgeries performed in chronic middle ear disorders and repair of holes in the eardrum are technically applied to repair problems in the ears and to remove inflammations in the mastoid bone in the middle ear. Tympanoplasty surgery can be applied successfully in our country today and people can easily return to their healthy days. Tympanoplasty surgery, which is also accepted as the repair of the eardrum among the public, is a surgical procedure to prevent the person from losing his hearing in the future. 

In some patients, inflammation that is formed according to the severity of the disease begins to damage the structures and bones in the ear. In this case, intervening as soon as possible will ensure that the possible problems are eliminated before they grow. Holes and inflammations in the ear and eardrum can be effective in causing much larger health problems when not controlled. 

In some patients, the extent of inflammation can lead to major problems such as facial paralysis and meningitis. In such cases, the correction and protection of the hearing system is put in the second place and the prevention of these problems is discussed first. After successfully completing surgical interventions to prevent major problems such as facial paralysis or meningitis, what can be done for eardrum and hearing comes into play. 

Which Area Is Looking at Tympanoplasty Surgery?

In Turkey, tympanoplasty surgeries are cared for by the valuable physicians of the ENT department. ENT expansion; ear, nose, throat and the people who will perform surgery in this field have been assigned to perform surgery in hospitals by taking the necessary expertise. As well as surgeons performing Tympanoplasty surgery in public hospitals, there are successful surgeons who will perform these surgeries in private health institutions. 

Patients who come to ENT outpatient clinics and are examined and who find that there are problems in their ears that require tympanplasty surgery are examined in detail and questioned whether they are suitable for surgery. Surgical interventions of people who are deemed suitable for tympanoplasty surgery and whose quality of life will increase with this surgical procedure are planned and progressed within this plan. 

It is important that the patient is psychologically ready for surgical intervention. If patients are afraid of surgical interventions and develop hypersensitivity to such operations, the psychiatric department will enable the patient to be psychologically ready for surgical procedure. 

In general, the duration of hospital stay is seen as a great advantage for patients. Patients who are cared for in their homes after surgical intervention feel much better.

When is tympanoplasty performed?

In people who have not yet lost hearing due to the hole in the eardrum and do not have discharge problems unless water is leaked into their ear, the surgery to close the existing hole eliminates the problems that patients have due to leaking water into their ears. This surgery, which eliminates the problems that people experience during the pool and bathroom and improves the quality of life, is important to prevent the hearing loss that may happen in the future. 

Patients with holes in the eardrum should protect their ears from water, otherwise ear inflammations restrict the physical movements of individuals and negatively affect their quality of life. 

Tympanoplasty surgery also prevents the hearing loss that people will experience in older age. After this procedure, which will be performed with a successful operation, patients continue their lives much more efficiently. 

In simple eardrum holes, the patient is expected to be between 12-14 years old for surgical intervention. However, in some cases, inflammation in the patient's ear has reached advanced degrees. In such cases, the patient should be under 12 years of age and surgical procedure can be decided by evaluating the patient for health. The patient's age is based on the condition of the disease. 

How to Perform Tympanoplasty Surgery?

When deciding the technique of the surgery, the physician who will perform the surgery examines the condition of the patient and the disease. The location and structure of the hole in the eardrum are among the most important details for the physician who will perform the surgery. Examination of the ear canal and whether there are interventions to be performed on the mastoid bone are examined by the surgeon. The patient and the surgeon choose the best for the procedure, which ensures the best result by using new technologies. 

Tympanoplasty surgery, which involves the application of new surgical procedures under the microscope by the surgeon, is performed with small incisions made inside the rest of the ear and the back of the ear. Although the repair of small holes in the eardrum can be done in the ear without opening the incision, the location and dimensions of the hole in the eardrum are a marker for the surgeon on whether to open the incision. 

In cases where mastoid bone intervention is required, incisions behind the ear are inevitable. The expertise and knowledge of the surgeon who will perform the surgery is also of great importance regarding the way the surgery is performed and the course of the surgery. 

Tympanoplasty surgery, which generally covers a period of 2-3 hours under general  anesthesia, is among the painless and painless surgeries. Hearing loss, which is one of the biggest risks of ear surgeries, is also a possible complication for this surgery, but the risk of this is very low. After this tympanoplasty surgery performed in successful hands  , patients return to their daily lives in very short periods of time and enjoy life much more with their elevated quality of life. 

Advantages of Tympanoplasty Surgery

Tympanoplasty, which negatively affects the quality of life of patients and causes hearing loss over time, ceases to be a health problem with the magic touches of specialist surgeons. This disorder, which causes people to experience pain from time to time, can be easily solved in the hospital environment with changes in technology. 

Tympanoplasty surgery, which allows people who have problems to continue their lives with much better quality with surgery, offers an easy recovery period because it is performed directly through the ear canal or by opening small incisions. The form of surgery, which also ends the aesthetic concerns of people, also ensures the elimination of aesthetic concerns, especially in young people. 

The fact that it can be applied in young children is among the advantages of this treatment method. In general, the surgical stage, which is decided by taking into account the patient's complaints, can also be applied to younger patients if the patient has many complaints. 

Process After Tympanoplasty Surgery

However, the construction of great surgery requires knowledge and skills; Tympanoplasty surgery, which provides great conveniences in terms of discharge of patients, ends with the discharge procedures after the first day after the completion of the surgical interventions of the patient. 

If the mastoid bone is not treated, special sliders placed in the outer ear canal after 10-14 days are cleaned and checks are carried out. In the meantime, the necessary drugs are started to protect the ear from water and prevent possible infections. Ear drops are the most commonly used drugs in the ears after surgery. Patients should not neglect these drops that they should use after the operation and should use them regularly. 

In general, a full recovery can take 3-4 weeks. Patients should avoid flu infections and avoid air travel after surgical intervention. These surgeries, which have achieved high success in general, are also closely related to the knowledge and practice of the surgeon performing the surgery. It is possible to have healthy days with the use of the latest technology in safe hands. 

After the surgical procedure, the care of the patients to pay attention to the issues that should be taken into consideration plays a major role in showing the full success of the surgical procedure. After tympanoplasty surgery, the person needs to protect himself from changing pressure environments. High pressure in the ear may also cause negative effects of the surgical procedure. 




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