"> Best Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Best Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgeries Doctors in Turkey

Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgeries

Tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries are carried out for different reasons. In case of the occurrence of acute tonsillitis, the patient's tonsils are removed by surgery. It is recommended to remove the tonsils of people who have had more than three consecutive attacks of tonsillitis within five times a year or two years.

Other conditions that require tonsil surgery are halitosis, painful neck lymph node enlargement, and resistant sore throat. If these disorders do not respond to treatment, the patient's tonsils can be removed. In addition, if there are febrile remittances with tonsillitis and heart valve diseases occur, tonsil surgery can still be performed.

If the patients are experiencing resistant inflammation of the nasal flesh and there is no response to other treatments, surgery is performed. In which cases the operation will take place will be determined after the inspections performed by the attending doctor. If the treatments performed other than surgery do not work, surgery is performed as a last resort.

What is Tonsil and Nasal Flesh?

Nasal flesh, which we know as adenoid tissue, helps to clean the breath when it is sent to the lower respiratory tract. This tissue, which prevents infections, disappears when people reach their 20s. As a result of frequent infections and an increase in the size of nasal flesh, a person may experience nasal congestion. At the same time, the problem of snoring during sleep is also often observed in these people.

The tonsils, which we know as tonsils, are a pair of lymphoid organs located in the mouth. Tonsils are also involved in the defense of the body, just like in the adenoid. However, as a result of tonsil surgery, the body's defenses are not adversely affected by this condition.

Tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries are carried out in such cases as acute tonsillitis and the presence of nasal flesh that interferes with breathing. Patients get rid of all the troubles they have experienced with the help of a simple operation in a short time and continue to live a healthy life.

Which Department Deals with the Tonsils and Nasal Flesh?

Before tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries happens , patients need to be examined and diagnosed. Specialist doctors consider surgery as a last resort. Before surgery, patients are tried to be cured with medication. However, patients who do not respond positively to medication are taken to surgery.

If you think that you have problems with the tonsils and nasal flesh, you should see an ENT specialist by making an appointment with the otolaryngology (ENT) departments of hospitals. The specialist doctor will diagnose you after examining you and inform you about it if surgery is required.

In order to make an appointment with the ENT department of hospitals, it will be enough to log in to the MHRS system. If you want to create an appointment by calling by phone, you can make an appointment by dialing 182 from your phone. Please note that you must be at the hospital on the date and time specified in the appointment in order not to have problems.

What is Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgery?

The question of what are tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries is asked many times. Tonsil surgery may be required in some conditions such as recurrent tonsillitis, resistant sore throat, bad breath, growth of tonsils, and snoring. 

Nasal flesh surgery is performed in order to treat nasal flesh infection, nasal flesh inflammation, excessive snoring and mouth breathing, chronic sinusitis, middle ear diseases and nasal flesh growth disorders. As a result of these operations, the patient can be cured and get rid of all his complaints.

Before the tonsil and nasal flesh surgeries are performed, the patient is treated with medication. But if the patient does not recover as a result of this medication, surgery is performed. The risk of complications in these operations is quite low. For this reason, it can be said that surgeries are safe.

How are Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgery Performed?

When tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries are performed, surgeons who are specialists and experienced in their field perform the operation. Tonsil surgery is performed under general anesthesia. But in some special cases, local anesthesia can also be used. This operation takes between 10-20 minutes. Currently, thanks to the techniques used with the advancement of technology, bleeding occurs in a very small amount.

During the operation, the tonsils are removed together with their capsules. There's nothing left of the tonsil tissue. It is unlikely that the patient will get an infection after this operation. patients under the age of 10 are kept under observation for several hours after surgery.

Nasal flesh surgery is always performed using general anesthesia. This process takes about 5-10 minutes. However, if we include the preparations, the operation is completed within 1 hour. In nasal flesh surgeries, direct camera vision is used with the help of endoscopy. Thus, neighboring structures are not damaged and the operation is successfully terminated.

The probability of complications in both operations is extremely low. Because during these operations, specially manufactured equipment and tools are used. In this way, both the duration of the operation is shortened and the operation can be performed successfully.

Tonsil and Nasal Flesh Surgery with Micro Surgery

Tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries are carried out together in some cases, especially in childhood. In other words, both the tonsils and the nasal flesh of the patient can be taken at the same time. The flesh of the nose becomes smaller over the years and disappears after the age of 13-15 years. That is why the simultaneous execution of these procedures is performed only in pediatric patients.

For 2 weeks after tonsil surgery, the patient may experience some pain. This condition is known as normal. Especially pain occurs when swallowing, and this pain can hit the ear. The severity of the pain may vary from person to person. In nasal flesh surgeries, no significant pain occurs.

Both operations should be performed only if necessary and with the approval of the doctor. Before the decision to have surgery is taken, it is usually treated with medication. But, unfortunately, drug treatment does not work for many people. Therefore, the surest way for people experiencing discomfort is surgery.

What are the Advantages of Tonsils and Nasal Flesh Surgery with Microsurgery?

Thanks to the developing technology, tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgeries  can be carried out easily and risk-free with the special equipment produced. The advantages of this operation are listed below:

  • The patient does not feel pain and soreness, as he is under anesthesia.
  • All operations, including preparations, can be completed in an average of 50 minutes.
  • Thanks to special tools, bleeding occurs in such a small amount that it can be called non-existent.
  • The patient will get rid of all the complaints he has experienced after the operation in a short time.
  • The patient's return to everyday life occurs quickly.

These advantages are related to the techniques and methods used. The advantages that the patient will get after the operation are as follows:

  • The patient's appetite is restored.
  • The patient's quality of life and sleep improves greatly.
  • There are no problems such as snoring and sleeping with your mouth open.
  • The duration of deep sleep increases.
  • Growth and development are accelerated.

Thanks to all these advantages, the patient's quality of life will improve and all his problems will disappear. If you have a number of complaints that you think are caused by your tonsils or nasal flesh, you should see an ENT specialist without wasting time.

The Process After Surgery on the Tonsils and Nasal Flesh with Micro-Surgery

After Tonsil and Nasal Flesh surgery, the patient is kept under observation for several hours and discharged. At this time, the patient is forbidden to eat or drink anything, as the effects of general anesthesia will last. After a few hours, the discharged patients can continue to swallow and feed. However, it is not recommended to consume hard and hot foods for 2 days.

After tonsil surgery, patients may experience a sore throat. But this pain will disappear by itself within 2 weeks. During this period, you should regularly consume the medications prescribed by your doctor and go to your checkups without interruption.

After the operation, your doctor will give you the necessary information and make recommendations. Compliance with these recommendations allows you to recover faster. After the operation, you should also be careful and take your medications regularly to go to the check-ups.



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