"> Best Septoplasty, SMR (Deviation) Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Best Septoplasty, SMR (Deviation) Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Septoplasty surgery, which aims to correct and strengthen the structures in the nasal region, refers to the removal of bone structures and cartilage that prevent the patient's breathing by intervening in the deviate nasal region. 

In short, this operation, also known as deviation surgery, is the case of taking or correcting the structures that prevent people from breathing with expertise. 

When patients contact the physician with the complaint that they have difficulty breathing, a detailed examination of the patient is carried out by the physician. This operation, which has no age limitation except in special cases, can be performed on anyone who has breathing problems and where the surgery is deemed appropriate. In terms of facial development, waiting for the completion of development will be effective in obtaining the best medical results. 

The nose, located at the beginning of the external respiratory tract, is among the vital organs. Problems in this structure, which allows breathing, can prevent the person from breathing qualityly and negatively affect the person's life. 

The failure of the so-called nasal septum to be positioned correctly and then deterioration due to damage caused by various reasons adversely affects the patient's breathing quality. 

What is Septoplasty SMR ( Deviation)?

The problematic bone and cartilage structure in the nose is of close interest to the quality of the person's breath. The patient, whose breathing is difficult due to problems with cartilage and bones, observes that the quality of life decreases over time. This congenital disorder can also occur with traumas that have been passed over time. Septoplasty surgery performs a clear improvement in patients who have difficulty breathing and this problem will disappear after the operation. 

Septoplasty SMR ( Deviation ) surgery is also a surgical procedure applied if the soft tissues in the nose swell and make breathing difficult. 

Which Area Is Looking at Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) Surgery?

Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) surgery, which is in the field of ENT specialists, can be performed easily by many specialist ENT surgeons today. 

The ENT specialist they refer to after the complaints of people about quality breathing will examine the person in detail and determine the source of the problem. The ENT surgeon, who has experience in the field and has advanced facilities, will perform the surgical procedure that will allow the person to reach quality breathing. 

In light of today's technological developments and the expected success rates from these surgeries, the rate of success is also shooting. It is also known that many operations produce successful results. These surgeries, which people use to raise their living standards and breathe better, are performed successfully in all public hospitals and many private hospitals. 

It is important that people are evaluated by an ENT specialist who has achieved success in the field if they feel symptoms that will require this surgery. 

What is Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) Surgery?

Septoplasty, which is a  surgical operation in which the bones and cartilage tissues in the nose are corrected in cases  where the nasal septum is in a curved position for different reasons  and septum deviation is seen,  is achieving great success today. 

The aim of this operation is to remove or correct the structures in the nose that prevent breathing. This surgery, in which the surgeon who will perform the operation speaks of his mastery, is recommended to people who have difficulty breathing for the transition to a quality life in a short time. 

Although it is seen among simple surgical procedures today, this surgery, which requires a special specialty, is the solution for people to breathe correctly and adequately. These surgeries, which vary according to the details of the procedures to be performed, help people to feel much better psychologically. By having quality breathing, the person can do many physical activities that he could not do before in a much more comfortable way. Septoplasty SMR (DEviation) surgery, which has many physiological and psychological advantages,  can be seen as a step towards a quality life. 

How to Perform Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) Surgery?

Requiring a special expertise and knowledge, this surgery also provides quality sleep intake for people who have difficulty breathing and especially whose breathing quality deteriorates during sleep. The dry mouth that people experience in order to breathe and the result of this is eliminated by successful surgical intervention. Since septoplasty SMR (Deviation) surgery will provide quality in breathing, it will also eliminate people's problems such as snoring during sleep. 

Even if chronic nasal congestion does not systematically lead to other diseases, it causes many negativity that will reduce the quality of life. 

As with any surgical intervention, accurate diagnosis is the most important detail in septoplasty attempts. In addition to the general health of the patient, disorders in the nasal septum structures should be best diagnosed. The procedures they will perform using radiographic imaging pathways for patients guide the physician who will perform the intervention. Thanks to the cameras used in the nose, a clear examination of the inside of the nose is ensured, while point-by-point possibilities arise for surgery. 

After the general anesthesia or local anesthesia methods are determined by the physician and the patient, the patient is prepared for the operation. Septoplasty surgeries, where patient comfort is kept at high levels, begin the process of opening a small incision from the lower part of the nose. The excess structures that cause discomfort in the nose are removed from this incision, providing the patient with a comfortable breathing comfort. 

If the structures that pose a problem to breathe in the nose are not related to the internal parts, the surgical technique called open technique comes into play. At this stage, the nasal skin is stripped. This technique is usually applied in people with great difficulties. 

Advantages of Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) Surgery

A painless operation is performed with the anesthesia method, which will be determined according to the patient and physician situation. The fact that the person does not feel pain and pain brings great advantages within the physician who performs the intervention. 

Patients begin to enjoy breathing comfortably by passing the postoperative recovery period according to doctor's recommendations. This surgery, which is performed with the help of small incisions, does not create any aesthetic loss in people. This surgery, which is applied to live a quality life and breathe to the fullest, also positively affects the sleep pattern of the person. People who have comfortable breathing with septoplasty surgery are much more successful and happy in their social lives. 

Septoplasty SMR (Deviation) Postoperative Process

Incisions opened after the operation are usually closed with self-falling seams. If it is possible to remove the sutures, an appointment is made to the patient approximately one week after the operation. When the patient comes to the surgeon performing the operation for the removal of the sutures, general checks of the patient are also performed. 

Tampons are placed in the nostrils to prevent possible severe bleeding after the operation. These tampons are removed within 3-4 days following septoplasty surgery. 

Patients are supervised for 4-5 hours after the operation. Patients are discharged in case of no complications. It is recommended that the patient rest for a few days after discharge. Painkillers are recommended for patients in case of possible pain. In general, patients transition to their normal lives within a few days after the operation. People who undergo septoplasty surgery need to be protected from impacts. Any blow to the healing process of the bones may cause the operation to be in vain. After the operation, the patient's intense bleeding or confusion of consciousness requires contacting the center and surgeon performing the surgical procedure.



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