"> Best Herniated Disc Surgery with Microsurgery Method Doctors in Turkey

Best Herniated Disc Surgery with Microsurgery Method Doctors in Turkey

Herniated Disc Surgery with Microsurgery Method

Herniated disc surgery using the micro-surgical method is a modern method that is widely preferred in the medical community. It is also known as one of the best methods used to treat herniated disc throughout the world. The doctor uses special microscopes and microsurgical instruments during the operation. This circumstance facilitates both the operation and the recovery process, allowing the patient to return to his former state painlessly. Operation is assumed by  neurosurgery. The patient comes for a re-examination a week after the operation. 

What is a Herniated Disc?

The discs positioned at certain intervals in the human spine make our work easier in daily life thanks to their movable structures. Discomfort caused by displacement or rupture of these discs due to heavy lifting, strain, fall, or similar reasons is called  herniated disc. Each disc has a gel center, a fibrous and soft layer, and a hard layer called the core. 

In order to diagnose a herniated disc, the doctor first listens to the patient's story and performs a physical examination. A neurological examination may be performed to check november strength and reflexes. Then X-ray, CT scan, CT or MRI is performed as needed. These high-resolution devices can detect problems in the spinal cord or pressure on the nerves. In addition to these, the EMG device, also known as an electromyogram, determines which nerve roots are exactly affected by the hernia. 

Which Department Deals with the Herniated Disc?

The nerves in the spinal cord remain under pressure due to ruptured or weakened discs. This condition causes a painful process to occur in the patient. The pain of regionally suppressed nerves is felt strongly in the hips, legs and around them, especially in the waist. The field of neurosurgery is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of herniated disc 

The risk of success in herniated disc surgery performed by an experienced neurosurgeon is almost certain. The use of methods related to microsurgery further reduces the risks that may occur. In general, according to the weight of the operation, patients can leave the hospital after being under observation either on the same day or overnight. 

What is Herniated Disc Surgery?

Herniated disc surgery is performed by removing the herniated disc joint, which causes pain in patients. Thanks to this, the pressure on the nerves in the area is eliminated and the patient's pains cease. The success rate of herniated disc surgery is known to be higher than 90 percent. As long as the operation is postponed, permanent damage to the nerve may occur. Therefore, early diagnosis and surgery are of critical importance. 

During his examination, the surgeon examines how the condition will be at the end of the operation and how much improvement can be achieved. Herniated disc surgery can be performed in 3 different ways: full closed (endoscopic) discectomy, microdiscectomy, or open discectomy.

How is Herniated Disc Surgery Performed?

Surgery for a herniated disc is most often performed using general anesthesia. However, in some cases, only the lumbar area and lower areas can be anesthetized using epidural or spinal anesthesia, depending on the patient's condition and the surgeon's preference. 

In a fully closed (endoscopic) discectomy, the lumbar region is entered from the posterior side or from the back side. A smaller incision is made compared to other operations, usually about 0.6 centimeters is enough. A great deal of medical development, especially in endoscopic operations, allows the operation to be completed easily. 

Microdiskectomy is one of the micro surgical operations. With the use of advanced devices, the area where the operation is performed can be enlarged by 30-40 times. In this way, the surgeon can work in fine detail. Great convenience is provided by the absence of damage to nerves and neighboring tissues. 

In an open discectomy, the patient is given general anesthesia and allowed to lie face down. After making an incision between 2 and 4 centimeters on the skin, a small gap is opened from the bone tissue located at the back of the spine to complete the operation. The hernia fragment is removed through the nerve, ending the pressure in the middle. 

Herniated Disc Surgery with Micro-Surgery

Herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery is the most commonly preferred method of operation for the treatment of the disease. During the operation, the patient is generally put to sleep completely with medications and is unconscious. A small incision is made on the skin of the patient under general anesthesia. Muscle tissue is stripped to a minimum using special retractors. Using imaging methods, also called scopy, the surgeon cleans the hernia tissue without damaging the nerves using specially manufactured microscopes. 

After the disc that presses on the nerve is removed, there is no need to replace it with another tissue. Herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery is applied to patients who have not tried conservative methods such as rest, analgesic (pain relief) and anti-inflammatory therapy, epidural injections, or physical therapy. In patients who develop drop foot or have a cauda equina table, the success rate of herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery is extremely high. A drop foot is the name given to the inability of patients to move their feet up (to the head area). 

What are the Advantages of Herniated Disc Surgery with Micro Surgery?

With micro surgery, herniated disc surgery has a number of advantages for the patient and the doctor. The availability of advantages makes this type of operation widely preferred. First of all, herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery is carried out using state-of-the-art devices. In this way, the surgeon takes advantage of the opportunity to view the tissues in 3D to the smallest detail. 

The advanced structure of the microscopes used allows the surgeon to see the operated area without difficulty. It also reduces the likelihood that risks such as bleeding, damage to the spinal cord, nerves and tissues will occur. The incision made during the operation is much smaller than in other herniated disc surgeries. In this way, the risk of infection is reduced and the healing process is completed in a faster time.  Stripping the tissue without having to be cut also reduces the pain that may occur. 

The Process After Surgery for a Herniated Disc With Micro-Surgery

Since herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery is performed with minimal invasiveness, the postoperative process is extremely easy for the patient. The fact that the risk of infection is minimal does not require long-term attention and care. The risk of bleeding and pain is minimal compared to other surgeries. Thanks to this condition, the patient can get up in a shorter time. 

It is beneficial for the muscles in the back area to remain intact in general terms so that comprehensive rehabilitation process does not take place in the following days. After the effect of general anesthesia performed during the operation has passed, patients can get out of bed on average after 6 to 8 hours on the advice of a doctor, travel short distances, such as going to the bathroom, while also being able to sit on a chair on the one hand. However, only the movements recommended by the doctor should be performed for 10 days after the operation.

After the herniated disc surgery with micro-surgery, how the process will progress may vary depending on the patient and case situation. Mostly, patients recover to the level that they can return to work after 1 week after surgery. Muscle relaxants should only be used in the amount recommended by the doctor in this process, as they can cause imbalance, nausea, addiction, drowsiness, or constipation Herniated disc surgery with micro surgery is known as a cutting solution when the right case is made.



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