"> Best Bladder Tumor Treatment Open and Closed Methods Doctors in Turkey

Best Bladder Tumor Treatment Open and Closed Methods Doctors in Turkey

Bladder Tumor Treatment Open and Closed Methods

The bladder is the organ that provides the storage of urine filtered through the kidneys and helps to expel urine by contraction. Bladder cancer, which usually occurs with the appearance of blood in the urine in people over the age of 65, is most common in people who smoke. For this reason, smoking is one of the main causes of bladder cancer. 

The rate of development of bladder cancer in men is 4 times higher compared to women. But women who are faced with bladder cancer also experience the same symptoms as men. Studies show that the risk of bladder cancer is higher in men over the age of 50.

Bladder tumor treatment is performed by performing surgery with open and closed methods In patients diagnosed with bladder cancer, the tumors displayed are scraped with the help of a cystoscopic system. In this procedure, no incision is made on the body.

Radical cystectomy surgery can be performed using the classical open method. It can be seen that along with the developing technology, the robotic method is also used. Your doctor will decide which method to use as a result of the examination he has performed and will inform you of this decision.

What is a Bladder Tumor and its Treatment?

Bladder tumors can be benign or malignant. But it is also possible to encounter benign tumors that are not cancerous. Symptoms of bladder cancer include the appearance of blood in the urine, pain when urinating, frequent urination, and inability to urinate. People who have one or more of these conditions should see a specialist doctor in no time.

The causes of bladder cancer include factors such as smoking, gender, age, and exposure to chemical products. This cancer can be easily noticed as a result of routine checks, but the final result will be obvious as a result of the examination that the urologist will do.

Bladder tumor treatment is carried out by performing one of the open and closed methods according to the doctor's preference. Bladder cancer treatment options are determined by various variables, such as the patient's health status, the degree of cancer, and the type of cancer. The most final decision is made by your doctor.

Which Department Deals with the Bladder Tumor?

People who examine the title of open and closed methods of bladder tumor treatment and think that they carry the symptoms of this disease are wondering which department of hospitals they should go to and be examined. If you think that you have a problem with your bladder, you should make an appointment with the Urology department of hospitals in no time.

You can use the MHRS system or use the 182 line to make an appointment with the Urology department of hospitals. If you prefer any of these methods, you should go to the hospital on the day of your appointment and be examined.

As a result of the examination, the attending doctor will tell you what this disease is and what is the method of treatment if you have a disease. In this context, a road map will be drawn up and every way will be tried to restore your health. You can get the most accurate information from the doctor examining you.

What is Bladder Tumor Surgery?

Bladder tumor surgery is one of the preferred treatment options in the treatment of this health problem. In general, a bladder tumor treated with surgery can be intervened using more than one option. Individuals who are curious about the options used at this point examine the question of what is bladder tumor surgery through many sources and explores the details.

The method that will be used in bladder tumor surgery is determined by more than one condition. The operation can be completed by examining many conditions, such as the stage of cancer, the patient's general health status, and the type of cancer. 

The main methods used to perform bladder tumor surgery can be listed as follows:

  • Cystectomy
  • Transurethral resection (TUR)
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Immunotherapy

Although each listed treatment method has a different method of administration, the main goal is to destroy the cancerous cells found in the bladder. In order to get more detailed information about these treatment methods, you can review various resources or contact your doctor.

How is Bladder Tumor Surgery Performed?

Along with the question of how is bladder tumor surgery performed, you can find out how the treatment options listed above are applied. Since there are more than one methods used in this mentioned health problem, how the operation takes place is also explained in different ways. At this point, depending on the methods used to treat the bladder tumor, you can examine the methods of surgery listed below.

  • Transurethral Resection (TUR): In this option, which is a closed method, the bladder is reached through the urinary canal using the cystoscope method and an electric current is supplied to the cancer cells located in the bladder.
  • Cystectomy: In this option, which has two different types, you are likely to see two different types, partial and radical. In this method of treatment, the operation of removing all or part of the bladder is performed.
  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: It is used to treat patients who do not accept surgical intervention or are not suitable for surgical operation. The goal here is to make cancerous cells shrink with chemotherapy.
  • Immunotherapy: This is the name given to the method of strengthening the immune system with drug therapy in terms of fighting cancer cells and is preferred from time to time.

By looking at these listed methods of surgery, you can easily see that bladder cancer can be treated with more than one method.

Bladder Tumor Surgery With Microsurgery

The preferred microsurgical method in more than one area is not among the options available dec the treatment of bladder cancer. Although it has been researched through many sources, bladder tumor surgery with microsurgery, it is likely that you will encounter the treatment options listed above. 

Thanks to the main methods that ensure the successful treatment of bladder cancer, both the destruction of cancer cells and the restoration of the patient's former health are ensured. This tumor, which is diagnosed at an early stage, can be treated successfully with surgery options as well as drug therapy. 

According to the type and stage of cancer, as well as the general state of health of the patient, the most effective of the treatment options is selected and applied by doctors who are specialists in their field. Thus, it is aimed to end the aforementioned ailment.

What Are the Advantages of Bladder Tumor Surgery With Microsurgery?

Advantages of bladder tumor surgery with microsurgery are being investigated due to the fact that this mentioned treatment option is widespread. However, the fact that the microsurgical option is not used within the scope of this disease does not constitute the answer to the aforementioned question. You can examine what advantages the other options used instead have.

In order for patients to easily survive the operation and the preferred treatment method to be successful, you need to consider the situations that need to be considered both before and after the operation. 

At the same time, the early detection of the tumor also seriously affects the success rate of the result to be obtained from the treatment. 

The Process After Surgery for a Bladder Tumor By Microsurgery

There are certain conditions that patients should consider after this process when surgery is performed to treat a bladder tumor. After surgery for a bladder tumor, by studying its title on various resources, you can easily understand what situations you need to pay attention to and what the healing process is like.

According to the size of the tumor, patients who are likely to undergo a serious operation should pay attention to themselves for a certain period of time in order for the operation to be successful. You can check out what you need to know by reviewing the articles below.

  • Bleeding and infection are likely to occur in the intervened area after the operation.
  • Infections that occur can be treated with the use of antibiotics and do not need to stay in the hospital.
  • You should pay attention to using the medications prescribed by your doctor in the prescribed amount and time.
  • If an unexpected complication develops, you should inform your doctor about the situation in no time.

Paying attention to such listed situations, you can speed up the recovery period after the operation and minimize the risk of complications.



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