"> Best Angio from the Wrist Doctors in Turkey

Best Angio from the Wrist Doctors in Turkey

In cardiovascular surgery, an angio is performed on the wrist and it is aimed to return the patients to their normal lives in a short time. Without entering open heart surgery or similar procedure, the main goal is to reach the comfort area of the patient by greatly shortening the recovery time and reducing the risk rate of the surgery as much as possible. After the procedure, the patient's pain sensation is almost non-existent and there is not even a hospitalization. 

In general, wrist angio is applied for imaging purposes in instant heart attacks, and this method is safely preferred for stent or balloon throwing. It is aimed to open the blocked one from the patient's veins leading to the heart using a stent or balloon. Of course, the success of the angio procedure should be supported with various drug treatments and controls following stent insertation.

Medically, wrist angio was first tried in 1989. With the success of the operation  , the wrist was also used as an alternative to the groin vein for balloon and stent operations. However, due to its new medical use, it is not applied in every hospital or clinic. Doctors who perform an angio on the wrist must master the technical details  .

What is Angio from the Wrist?

Radial Artery is the name of the vein used in medical language when performing an angio from the wrist. It is relatively visible and clear. In public, this vein is also called a pulse. Since it is in an area where groin or alternative entrances can be easily intervened and bleeding can be stopped, the wrist is preferred. The doctor can take easier precautions for complications, and even having excess weight does not prevent angio in this area.

The  groin vein imaging system, which used to be preferred instead of radial angiography, has been replaced by wrist imaging methods due to the patient's comfort and slow healing process. Radial angiography is a highly risk-free method, as there are no nerve endings or veins near  the artery. Moreover, as with groin treatments, the sexual performance of the patients is not affected or sandbags are kept on them to close the vein. As a plus to the groin operation, the patient does not need an accompanying companion after an angio procedure performed on the wrist. It can easily satisfy your needs such as food and toilets.

What Area Is Angio Looking at from the Wrist?

 Angio stent or balloon removal procedures from the wrist are looked at by cardiovascular surgery. In addition, it is appropriate to carry out this operation in the field of cardiology in general context. This method, which is widely used in many private hospitals, is a great convenience for both doctors and patients. In the name of both early diagnosis and emergency intervention, many cardiologists will recommend this procedure to their patients because they pose the least risk.

How to Make Angio from the Wrist?

99% of patients are eligible for wrist angio. Before the procedure, a painless examination method called allen test, which takes seconds, is used. The doctor decides which of the radial arteries the patient can enter with this method. While the right wrist is usually used, the right wrist of some patients is not suitable for angio. In such cases, the procedure can be performed by entering the vein known as the pulse in the left hand.

There is no need to put the patient to sleep during the procedure. Local anesthesia is applied to the wrist with a needle. The burning, which is immediately felt by injecting the drug, ends in numbness. Only 3 pin heads will be left on the wrist. The patient can watch the intervention of the doctors consciously during the entire surgery process.

 This method can be applied comfortably, regardless of if it is for balloon, stent or pure imaging. It takes a very short time for the operation to be completed. The vein can only be left for about 7 minutes, after which it will carry a risk for the patient. The doctor should therefore be careful and fast. After surgery, the patient should be rested for up to 2 hours.

Risk of Angio Surgery on the Wrist

The risk of death from surgery is almost non-existent. Anyway, medicine perceives this procedure not as an operation, but as a microsurgery operation. Of course, since it is about vascular problems leading to the heart and heart, there is always a degree of risk, it cannot be ignored. However, it is never like operations that are planned to be heavier.

If angio was performed for balloon or stent purposes, the risk of the patient in the future is more important than the surgery. While wrist angio for early diagnosis is completely risk-free due to the complaints felt, it can be mentioned that there is a risk rate in the case of sudden heart attack. This risk will not be presented in a way that is like swelling of the wrist, but in a form that is purely like complications.

Angio operation on the wrist has a lower risk of death as low as 1% or 2%. Many of these deaths will be caused by complications that develop during angio and are the subject of a different ailment of the patient.

Recovery Process After Angio from Wrist

After an angio from the wrist, the patient can return to his vital activities from where he left off. Especially the surgery is so easy that there is no need to even pass the night in the hospital after the procedure. After the operation, the discharge procedures of the patient can be completed within 3 hours. He should never go outside the routine set by the doctor who follows him, and it is appropriate that he makes radical changes to his subsequent feeding routine. The patient should definitely be prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking, especially in cases where the angio procedure is performed for stents or balloons. 

Sporty activities that expend a lot of effort should not be tried, but should be contributed to the comfort zone with applications such as a routine walk. If the patient has been returned to his comfort zone by a procedure such as stents or balloon throwing, the drug containing blood thinners will necessarily be recommended to him by the doctor. Food that feeds the veins and heart is included in the feeding routine, and after the installation of the stent, animal fats, salty foods and living standards that prepare the ground for overweight should be abandoned. If the angiography was performed for the stent, differences in the emotional movement of the patients can be seen in the following process. Every operation on the heart can leave such psychological factors in the person, which is quite natural.

Angio Benefits from Wrist

Despite other angio operations, the advantages of wrist angio application can be listed as follows:

  • The patient does not feel pain ache.
  • There is no need to rest in the hospital or at home after the procedure, the operation can be exited and returned to normal work life after a few hours.
  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  • No need for uncomfortable vascular closures that apply pressure like sandbags
  • There are no incision marks on the patient's body.
  • The patient can monitor the procedures performed on him.
  • The risk of death is almost non-existent
  • It is a safer and more practical application. Even if the patient has excess weight, it does not prevent the entrance to the vein.
  • The patient does not need one to meet the requirements such as toilet, shower.

Of course, it will be more appropriate for the doctor who follows the medical history of the patient to choose and apply the operation, which should be selected according to the situation. However, angio procedures from the wrist are very uncomplicated operations on behalf of both the person to be treated and the doctor. Therefore, if you have a choice in the field of angiography, you can definitely choose to have Radial artery angio instead of angio in the groin.



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