"> Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Rhinoplasty Recovery Time


The recovery time of rhinoplasty, which is a common type of plastic surgery, is curious. While rhinoplasty studies are performed in our clinic, we include the details of the healing process  . 


While rhinoplasty is a rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty operation, this work is carried out smoothly by our professional doctors in our clinic. The rhinoplasty technique is successfully performed with cuts made from the inner region of the nose or any part of the nose. Rhinoplasty recovery time is another important issue that is wondered after the procedures to be performed. After the intervention procedures we have made to the nose, the edema and swelling in your nose will begin to decrease within a maximum of 5-7 days. However, we can say that your complete recovery process will vary between 6-12 months.



What is Rhinoplasty, Why is it Performed?


From the moment there are situations such as low nose, arch appearance, correction of the angle between the nose and lips, nose width, nose breakage, rhinoplasty procedures are needed. Rhinoplasty is needed for both rapid and safest correction of deformations. At this point, as a result of the services we will provide to our patients, you can have a more natural and beautiful looking nose. Thanks to rhinoplasty treatment procedures, you can ensure that all the defects in the nose area are eliminated without any problems. Since we are professional, you naturally do not face a negative situation that you did not want.


Seeing the nose badly inevitably causes it to affect your physical appearance negatively. This situation not only affects the physical appearance of the people but also creates psychological problems. You can have a more natural nose with our reliable address that performs procedures smoothly in relation to rhinoplasty. You can make rhinoplasty faster by following the advice given by our experts during the recovery time.


Is Rhinoplasty Operation Permanent?


Questions can also be asked very often by patients about rhinoplasty. We take care to share all our knowledge with our patients as much as we can. In this way, we enlighten whatever turns into a question mark in their minds. Our rhinoplasty treatments are performed in order to correct the existing appearance of the nose and make it look more pleasant. Rhinoplasty is a work that is 100% effective and at the same time we will express it permanently. The deformities of the nose are corrected and a more visually pleasing appearance is gained. Moreover, we carry out these operations smoothly in the light of the latest technology and draw conclusions that we will be pleased with.


We answer all your questions such as rhinoplasty recovery time, how the operation will be performed. Our patients are pleased with the successful results in our clinic.  The fact that we receive such good feedback from our customers makes us even proud. 



How many hours does rhinoplasty take?


How long the rhinoplasty procedure will take varies depending on the current situation. For this reason, it is not possible to give an exact time for our rhinoplasty studies. After the examination procedures we will perform, it will be determined how long the rhinoplasty will last. However, if we need to say how long our procedures take on average, it varies between 2-2.5 hours. Of course, this situation varies from person to person.


The rhinoplasty healing process will begin with the slow reduction of the edema within 1 week after the operation is completed. However, we would like to say that it can take 1 year for a complete recovery. If the operation is smaller, then recovery may occur within 6 months.


How Long Is Spent in the Hospital After Rhinoplasty Operation?


Rhinoplasty is one of the operations that you will have safely. For this reason, you do not need to be in any negative situation regarding the operation. The rhinoplasty healing process may be in question in some questions that puzzle you about how long to stay in the hospital after surgery. After the rhinoplasty operation is successfully completed, it may be possible to stay in our clinic for 1-2 days. However, it is important that our patients with rhinoplasty are at rest at home. Especially after surgery, the comfort of the patient is extremely important. Being comfortable and resting will also help to accelerate his recovery even more.


Since rhinoplasty studies are performed with general anesthesia, it will be important for patients to stay in the hospital one day and be discharged the next day.


Who is Suitable for Rhinoplasty Operation?


It is also important who should be the people who will apply for this operation. Because those who have problems with the nose can inevitably find the solution in surgical methods. First of all, when we take a look at who the rhinoplasty operation is suitable for, we can state it as follows:


·       Those who have difficulty breathing

·       Those who have nasal deformities

·       Those whose nose is broken

·       Those who experience nasal curvature, low nose at the end


By applying to these transactions, you will have the chance to benefit from them with peace of mind. Moreover, you can keep your peace of mind because the rhinoplasty healing process will be trouble-free.


At What Age Is Rhinoplasty Performed?


The age factor becomes very important in each surgery. Because it will be important for the person not to directly affect his health negatively. Naturally, the age at which rhinoplasty is performed has become a subject that has been frequently questioned recently. Nose surgery shows a faster development in women than in men. For this reason, the age of women is lower than in men. We can say that the ideal age range for performing rhinoplasty operation for women is 16-17. We can state that the ideal age range for nose surgery in men is 17-18.


The recovery period in nose surgery, which is started to be performed from the age of 16, is also very critical. For this reason, the rhinoplasty recovery period has become an important issue for those who will have nose surgery.


Is rhinoplasty harmful, are there any side effects?


In our age, it is one of the most important surgical procedures applied by those who have nasal deformities and difficulty in breathing. Those who will apply for rhinoplasty operation for the first time also want to know if there are any harms. Nose surgery stands out as a procedure that is feared by almost everyone. However, one of the factors that will be important here is that aesthetic procedures are performed by professional people. Because rhinoplasty is a surgical operation that we see as important, it does not allow any mistakes. We would like to say that rhinoplasty is not among those who ask what are the side effects and that we offer professional services in this regard.


Regarding the rhinoplasty recovery time, special recommendations are offered to the patients by our doctor. We are doing our best to make the rhinoplasty recovery time faster way.


How Much Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost?


In rhinoplasty surgeries, there may be a process that will vary from patient to patient. As such, we must say that rhinoplasty is a factor that determines the recovery time. But you do not need to pay anything that will burn your pocket in rhinoplasty surgery. By taking advantage of our professional operations in a cost-effective way, you can ensure that your complaints about the nose are eliminated. Especially people who have difficulty breathing will start to breathe more easily after these operations.


We have informed you about what you are curious about as rhinoplasty recovery time. If you want to have information about rhinoplasty treatment, prices, rhinoplasty recovery time and the next process, you can call our contact number. In this way,  we should state that we will eliminate the question marks in the minds of our patients by providing detailed information.

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